30 April 2011


hehe...*blum pape da tersengeh2*act, time bt entri nh i blum mndi ye. hahaha!, celik2 mata ujan lebat siot...dgn mlsnye, mnuju k toilet, bt ape2 yg ptt.. perlu k mention gak??? sebok je korang nh.hoho! but no worry, sy da goshok gg.. bgun pgi gosok gg..lalala~~~ kalau xgosok pun, mcm la korang sume blh detect kan2? ngrrr!!! *pe ko membebel nh wee*

ok2. seperenggan yg nth pape..sila abaikan.....

sy sedikit xbtoi cuz sgt ler happy biarpun xm blom abes lgi. ade 1 paper je lgi pun. 20 soalan objektif in one hour. dgn penuh tawadu', kami2 ignore je paper tuh. sume org duk sebok kemas2 barang, angkut p sana, p sini..*rsenye xsmpat tggu sem dpn, da hancur brg2 lam kotak tuh.huhu* a bit lucky for me, cuz i mmg da lme stay out of d college. bkn pe, xnk sshkan guard nk tulis2 nme i yg suke kuar lepak mamak lwt2 mlm nh.*trharu mamak lau taw nh...*ngeee....

back to the title of the title of this entry, hmm..i just want 2 "wrap-up" everything that happened during this freaking tired, ....nothing much lepaking compared to previous semester. we rarely hangout together. everybody got their own business to mind just like me...hoho! donno y la.. i used to sleep early la. y ah??? 12-1am...thats the time..*awl kan???* plus, xstdy sme2 cm dulu lgi this sem, donno y..huhu. haa..this one referring to GKC yaa..

but then, ade gkla memorable moment to keep for this sem. BBQ PARTY!!! though, i didnt even pay, still can eat lo...hoho! *credit to pakdin for not able to come..so he asked me to replace him.."p mkn ja la mia..aku da byq pon. amik dua tiga ketuii ayam jadik r."..neway, he's from TIKAM BATU, KEDAH..* mario'sound appeared suddenly..donno y..hahahaha! korang xkn phm npe aku gelak.hee

lunch sme2 kt kafe KHAR, for the last before sume packing nk balik...
neway, tam yg ttp mulut ngn tisu pink tuh..
next to him, dam..*kertas ape da ek?lupe.huhu*

this is fitri..but we used to call him APIT!
*kucing tuh bunting ye...hahaha.tibe2!*

like i mentioned before, we tend to lepak at mamak...
particularly at night. *tentulaaa*

*dy mmg cmnh...pause tibe2 bile taw de org nk mik gmbr dy...huhu*

cmnh la rupe nye....biase2 aje ye kalian.

korang xnk naik g k???sejukla weee....

*matila gnh..nk men TRUTH OR DARE pulak...besok sy xm kot..

haaa..nh dy..my bestfriend@coursemate@gonna be roomate
and certainly one of the GKC.
*sume gmbr2 kt ats tdi dy la yg amik...org bru beli fon bru kan...hoho*

lagi gambarrrrr!!!

tekunnye org tuh...ngrrr
 *da mmg muka xstdy..time nk xm bru sebok tgk nota org!mmg choiii!*

cm muka mayat pon ade nh...hahaha!
*lantak la..korang de muka cegnh??xde kannn...=P*

me and zati..hoit2!owg2 blakang tuh...sadis aku nengoknye.kik3!
*awat tgn ang lagu tuh cimia???buruk bebno rupenye..hee*
again! me and zati..she's my coursemate.
hmmm..pe lgi? we're a bit close just like the others,
but then i've just started doing assgments wit her this sem
yet its tighten our friendship more..
to zati, i appreciated all the things that we've been through this sem.
u're such a nice girl. dont let others "pijak2" ur head naa...haha! 

dari kiri cepat jalan! erk!hehe..tibe2 rindu pandu puteri siswi 'ksyngn'
from left, its me..*nenek bongkok tiga,sab slalu duk praktis from last week.hoho*,
faezah in green tgh hirup udara segar nmpaknya,
sheila cute, fara mina..neway,she seems so excted than others.haha!,
sheen yg da mcm keparat, and 2 from behind,
 zati n polynia...*donno wut happen to her act? r u ok nia???

da sem 4 *alaa..tuh pun nk kecoh k???* the truth, gain a lot, but know nothing..huhu..referring back to the word 'donno'..hehe..xpe2. da halfway, another 2years to go..gain a lot, know everything k mia!!!

p/s: act, entry nh da lme siap..tp lupe nk post.hahaha! *bt penuh draft je..hoho* neway, im currently in my hommetown...........yahooo!

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