6 October 2011


cuba teka ek...spe dpt teka, besok sy blnjer tgk wayang k.hehe...
  • asal mlm je demam. asal demam je malam. xdela berpeluh k apa, tp dpt rse belakang badan nh mcm panas je dri dalam,tp still... nk jugak selimut lingkup bagai. bukan yg nipis2 tuh,comforter yg tebal tuh kot.haa...korang mmpu?xkn...haha
  • makan k  x,sme je...gusi ttp berdarah...nak2 time bgun tdo wktu pgi. ko mimpi jdi dracula k malam tdi weyh??erk! 
  • ade je lebam merata-rata kt badan nh. kna gigit hantu kah? 
  • selera makan makin hampeh. meaning to say, berat badan turun mendadak.
  • selalu je sakit kepala..silap hb smpai pitam. pttla byk lebam kat badan...hoho.
  • pucat je muka ak nh.org tgk pun cm serba slh,nk ckp k x nh..hurmmm.huhu
  • badan nh selalu lenguh2..lemah badan bak kata nenda. *mcm org tua la plak,skit2 sendi segala.
msti xdpt teka kan. huhu.selamat RM11 kuh. =P xpe2,blnjer dri sndiri je tgk cite 'bini2ku gangster' haha! 

kalau nk dibandingkan dengan dulu, perasaan kali nh sgtlah berbezaaa. *mgkin sbb faktor umur kot. dulu dak belasan je. skrg da puluhan.kik3.matured la sket.. tp siyes, rse tenang, xkalut2...cool je.nanges pun xdela teresak2..cam mengalir gtuh je. da blh menerima kot.. kalau da smpai msenye pun, saya redha. cuma stu je sy mohon, lindungilah mereka yg sy cintai. amin...

p/s: besok hari sabtu. kebetulan duit yg insurans cover masuk ward rituh da msyukkk,so..blhla p shopim.ngeh3.. 


lepas cucuk, cucuk lagi..pastuh esok cucuk lgi...skali cukupla wee.agak2la kalau nk test blood pun. xkesiankan sy k korang nh..men ikut suka je. kalau amik darah, pastu settle trus xpe,ini tdak...sebulan pun xdpt beri jwpn lgi. gnhla kalau da ramai sgt yg sakit.... kalau bukan sbb m/c, xde mknanye sy rela kna inject nh. huhu. tuh je motif sebenar entry kali nh..nk gtaw sume yg rinih saya dpt m/c...jgn jelesss ye.....hehe.

p/s: minum air suam manyak2 smpai kembung!erk!

28 September 2011

it has come to an end...

it's not my fault if I can't hear them mention your name,
it's not my fault if I can't help looking at you,
it's not my fault if I can't stop crying over the night,
it's not my fault if I can't stand listening to your voice,
my only mistake was to fall to much in love with you.

i've made a choice to finally let go, because i can't stand the pain, its the time for my last tear to fall and get ready to smile again.

p/s: let me ruin your life, let me break your heart into pieces and then i'll ask you why we cant be friends at all. I guess this will answer your question. GOODBYE FOREVER *.

12 August 2011

MENU IFTAR fully home-prepared~~~

arinh lebih spesel dri biase sbb kitorang (mom n me) tried out dishes yg blum pnh dibikin sndri. biase nye men beli je kt bazar.huhu. mcm biase...kalau berbuka, atleast ade stu dish yg watery, xkesah la sup k, gulai k, kari k ape...means the main dish la. lau x watery,t kan constipate pulakk..da la ceq nh xgemar sgt mkn buah-buahan nh. so, wut we did for today is.. kari udanggg!!! lor...sng je pun...da slalu bt kot. cmpak bwg putih,bwg merah, halia, asam sket, kari, udang, santan...taraaa!siap!!! huhu..

haaa...nh bru nk cite pe yg spesel tuh...hehe. ada dua recipes taw. the first one is kerabu sotong! meh nk cite cne nk bt ek...sng yg amattt kot!
  1. sotong adalah wajib..nme g kerabu sotong.huhu. lagi besar,lagi bagus. xyh rebus banyak2.ngee...sbb periuk yg ada kt rumah kecik2 je. da siap rebus, pastuh kasi potong jela...
  2. bahan2 yg akan dicampurgaul ngan sotong:
    • tomato
    • bawang besar
    • bawang merah
    • daun sup
    • daun bawang
    • serai
    • cili padi
    • perahan limau nipis
    • gula
    • garam
cm gnh la hasilnye....bahan2 yg nk digaulkan tuh blh ikt citarasa
 msing2 ye..cm lam pix nh dy  letak kacang pjg gk..nmpak x???

next, daging bakar!!! 

bahan-bahan nk perap daging tuh...bwg putih, halia, serai, kunyit, garam gula...pastuh blh la bakar. xkesahla bkr kai arang tuh k ape...jnji rupanye daging bakar. tdi bakar atas fry pan yg flat tuh je *ampunn..xtaw la nme ape kuali tuh.tp syokla cuz dging tuh xmelekat kt ctuh.sng nk balek2.hehe..

haha! kuali yg cmnh la tdi kitorang pakai...sngkan.
xyh kalut nk siapkan dapur arang.

p/s: credit to mr.google for the pixs! biaselaa...org xde kamera canggih kannn. =P

dulu2,ma suke tulis resipi2 yg dy suke lam buku resipi tuh..kertas warna putih pun da bertukar warna brwonish kot. zmn skrg sngg ma, tulis dlm blog bagai je..konpem xilang ma...huhu.

    11 August 2011


    mmm...rinih mood jiwang sket.huhu. xtawla nape kalo bab2 kapel nh ak mmg failed lah. bru2 nh ad membe baik ak tnye psl laki,kapel bagai nh...so,kitorang pun duk bahas la psl mnda nh...

    miss D: mum ado doh ko yng?
    miss M: ado gapo mum?
    miss D: single ko dop saeng ak nhhh? pyhla nk tnyo pun..huhu
    miss M: aaa..single laa.
    miss D: aik..rituh ak tgk kt fb mg?
    miss M: hom.hop tuh..dle fb la,dle ic ak single lgi...hehe
    miss D: haha! ngek la mg neh!
    blaa....blaa...blaa........smpai kul1 lebih kot..kesian shbt ak neh,besok da la ad paper..soey ye ynggg..miss u so much act. raye nh kite hangout yep. =)

     "i defined 'couple' and 'love' as two different things...xsemestinya kapel tuh bercinta n xsmestinya cinta tuh kapel" haa...berbelit da! neway, untungla spe2 yg kapel,bercinta pastuh kawin..xyh pikir ape2. hehe.

    p/s: jumla kite lyn sinetron 'ketika cinta bertasbih spesial Ramadhan'. stkt nh blum miss even one episode pun. ptg nh sama2 nonton ye..chnl 141 taw!huhu. 

    sederhana itu kaya-raya! so,pose2 nh jgn membazir ye..

    7 August 2011

    wise sayings 1

    Sempena bulan Ramadhan yang mulia lagi barakah nh...nk amik ksempatan nk sucikan ati nh dengan perkara pertama iaitu, maafkan kesalahan org lain. hmm..maafkan kwn2 lme yg mengumpat psl dri nh, maafkan mereka2 yg suka bergosip xtentu hala pastu siap reka2 cite bagai lagi.., maafkan kwn2 yg t'kecik'an hati nh, maafkan pakcik makcik ak yg kedekut bgi duit raya..huhu, maafkan lecturer2 yg byk kali bt diri nh ase kerdil banget.. maafkan adik ak yg slalu menguji thp ksbaran ak..huhu.dan bykkk lgi. pendek kata, maafkan semua org lahh yg kenal or xknl dri nh...xnk marah2, skit ati k ape. nk senyummm je...hehe. insya-ALLAH, tenang jiwa nh...aminnn.

    p/s: heran la kuceng ak nh...xletey k asyik ulangg alik.

    2 July 2011

    yeayyy!!! dpt 'scholarship' lgi!

    mak2sdare: "hehehe...kalo xckup duet,blh r pinjam duet eh..?"
    mak ak: "org bgi biasiswa, pndai2 la..ma xse bgi doh duit xtra 4u everymonth."
    adik ak: "lom, jnji doh kea, kalu dpt nk blnjo..huhu"
    ayh ak: "gapo bezo nge biasiswa petronas???"

    paling best:
    biasiswa KPM? alaaa...biasela tuh. mybe bgi sstgh org  nh bnda kecik je, xyh r kecoh babe! hoho.. bdk2 maktab sume dpt kot, xyh susah nk pikir interbiu k hape. lex r der!!! ngrrr...ayt2 gnh bikin ak panas, ak xdgr xpe..dan2 kalo dgr, ase nk p sembuq muka dy ngan ayaq longkang!

    first and foremost, ana syukur sgt2 dpt scholarship lgi. hmm..ade yg agk2 nak, xdpt, ade yg agk2 try error je, dapat. mcm2. ak plak, dpt xdpt..ok je.xdela sampai nk meroyan!huhu. dpt biasiswa mmgla bahagia, tp bila time nk mengisi tuh yg merana! da la arahan xjelas, no.tepon pun xjmpe tang mne ltaknye..haihhh! da la nk kna anta cepat,pdhl suratnye smggu kmudian bru sampai.. nth pape! menyusahkan kitorang je...

    p/s: mood *gigih mengisi borang2.huhu

    13 June 2011


    lalala...'sick' in the sense of perfume-crazy. hoho! xtawla jnis fe'il apo nh!!! kalo dpt laki, bnkrup laki ko..ko..ko..*cam echo lak..kalo igt2 balik my mom bebel everytime dy tgk cimia bwk balik perkakas shopim. damn!* cne ek nk bt? bak kata membe2 skola dulu, shopim blh hilangkan strez. xgtuh kwn2? hik3.

    so,entry kali nh nk cite sal minat aku yg agak dasat arh. mmg konpem menghabiskan duit..heran kan..xde stu pun hobi den yg mnmbahkan balance lam akaun bank.nasebbbbb la senah oii.. hobi kali nh ialah kumpul perfumes! yeayyy! seyes bez. xcye try...smpai tersombat idung korang nnt.huhu. hobi nh mula time aku lepas spm..kire da abis zaman2 ultraman taro la nh. msuk plak uni..dpt biasswa..pe lagi..perghhh! jom singgah Sasa!!! ngee... dan2 beli perfumes, xtaw npe,pause kejap dlm setahun gtuh..habiskan je mne yg ade...then now, start balik da...

    kt bwh nh ade la bbrpa..yg mnjdi feveret la..disertakan dgn review sket sbb da igt2 lupe cne bau dy.hee

    ELIZABETH TAYLOR by Elizabeth Arden
    yg nh blh dikatakan terbaek dri ladang arh. long lasting on my skin...bau dy soft jek...sumenye perfect la. tp sygnye, Elizabeth Arden xkuarkan da yg nh...xtawla kot2 kt lorong2 gelap ade kan. kalau taw dy da xproduce, better beli banyak2 dulu.haihh.. tp ramai gk membe ckp yg Green Tea pun best gak, but not sure la ne stu..huhu
    GET IT ON THE FLOOR!!! ngrrr.. bau fruitish giler arh... spe2 yang kai perfume nh,mmg idung guwa nh da blh detect sgt..huhu. sedap..hingga menjilat jari. rituh tgk kt Sogo..murah giler..p r jenguk,coz kt Sasa da xde yg nh...
    perfume Paris Hilton pun ok per...yg nh mmg best. kire pilihan ramai la. lupe nme dy ape..sbb susah ngat nk sebut kot. so,slalunye kalo cite sal perfume nh, ckp cmnh je..'laaa...yg botol belang2 tula' huhu...tp seyes, bau dy best, quite sexy...ngee.

    DESIRE BLUE by Dunhill
    pastuh, minat kai perfumes laki plak. pelikkk! mgkin sbb slalu berdampingan ngan laki yang berwangikan bnda alah nh kot. nak beli untuk my dad la one day. besday taun nh da lepas, tggu next year plak ey...hehe.smokers mmg suit la ngan yg nh..cam ilang gtuh bau busuk rokok dunhill..tetibe..
    POLO BLUE by Ralph Lauren
    naaa..lepas dunhill, yg nh plak...bt muka slamber badak hyppo p tnye abg cashier top man, "u pakai perfume ape ek? bezla. (bia btoii aku nh..naseb xde org len kt ctuh)..ngrr...for my bf.heehee"...*tkut2la dy perasan kann.. then dy senyum2 plak.."alaaa....i pakai nh jer yang, xmhl pun.. 300lebih je...btol k bez?" hahaha! nox rupenye.....hampeh!...
    HEIRESS by Paris Hilton - RM176 ++
    skunk nh aku pakai yg nh jer...my mom pun suka bau dy. xsexy cam yg b4 nih and xmanis cam coklat k flower k ape k bnda kan. bau dy fresh..kdg2 mcm febreze pun ada.huhu. kalo nk taw cne bau,meh la duk tepi nh haa...*sah jangkit kegedix-an  paris hilton nh aih*hahaha!
    VICTORIA SECRETS's Refreshing Body Mist
    yg nh pun pnh pakai gk, tp yg nh paling murah la. lebih kurang rm60-80.murah kan??? setahun lebih gk pakai perfumes nh..*perfumes nh la yg me beli time brenti beli perfumes mhl* . antara semua yg kat atas tuh, dua je yg jdi pilihan : Strawberries & Champagne ngan Endless Love.
    HAHA! gelak setan...byk duit ko nak beli perfume nh! xde r...beli yg local2 hey je...rm30 jek.huhu.cover, botol pe sume mmg sejibik ah,tp bau dy..x r kan...nh beli time zaman jepun, mkn ubi je kan,sab duit ciput.huhu. papepun, hope nh kali pertama n terakhir la beli, not worth it pun... sembur bnyk2 pun, bau cpt je melayang. tp xpe, redho lah.hehe

    hehe..my wishlist :
    FEMME by Hugo Boss
    DAISY by Marc Jacobs 

    nh sume hnye kongsi2 maa..xde keje sbnrnye, cuti pjg kan..huhu. mmm.so,perfumes kt atas tuh sume yg sy sndri da beli, sembur, habiskan...they might suit my nose but not for urs rite. different people, different tastes, gtuhh..haha! neway, manyak lagi minyak wangi *lme xguna* blh kite survey.

    p/s: hope this entry would somehow help those yg tercari2 minyak wangi yg best. ye r..kalo pegi cmtuh je,kang xtaw nk pilih mne stu plak..huhu. jap cium bau perfumes, pastuh taruk kopi, pastuh bau lagi...pastuh letak kopi lagi...pastuh pengsan!hoho. adios~

    12 June 2011

    "WHAT IF" JULIET ...

    A moment for a great movie!
    I have my own favourite little library of movies that always make me feel good. And now added to the list will be Letters to Juliet. Juliet? Oh My...don't say that she's referred to that Shakespeare's heroin? Unbelievable! I never thought of liking any of Shakespeare's pieces and *those related* until I watched Letters to Juliet this week (credits to HBO channel) huhu. It is a 2010 American romantic comedy drama film. This was the final film of director Gary Winick before he died of brain cancer. =(
    Sweet Juliet, of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, not only isn't dead, she's answering letters from the lovelorn. Romeo? Well, no one writes to him for advice. But Juliet — she has secretaries. She has an old house in Verona, with a balcony, and every year people come to visit the house and balcony, then leaving notes to Juliet on nearby walls. For more than 70 years, her "secretaries," as they are called, all volunteers from Verona, have collected the notes and the letters that arrive in the mail by the thousands, and then they write back. To every single letter writer who gives an address.
    by Maria Puente, USA Today.

    this is JULIET's balcony...and as you can see,
     thousands of letters posted on the wall yep
    As for the story, it takes place in New York and Italy. Verona, home of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. It seems that women come from all over to write letters to Juliet for love adviceThe secretaries of Juliet are a group of women who answer these letters. The story begins when the character played by Amanda Seyfriend finds a love letter dating back to 1957. She writes to Claire, the character played by Vanessa Redgrave, and the rest is told in this lovely film. It is a delightful movie to watch for its beautiful scenes of Italy and also to see the stately beauty of both heroines of the film.

    The 'secretaries' of Juliet...

    picking up the letters *curious*

    the first task!

    she's so beautiful uh! *sigh

     Sophie's precious moments with Claire...*forgot to mention her name earlier* wink2

    and so with Claire's grandson...that lead them into another love story.

    despite of already having a fiance...jeng jeng jeng...

    Anyway,.....if you’re looking for a romantic movie with a good ending (heck, make that two!), this is definitely one you should watch! By the way, I loved the reply from Juliet to Claire – it’s so beautiful and it just really warms your heart knowing the ending of the story.
    Here’s Claire’s letter to Juliet
    I didn’t go to him, Juliet.
    I didn’t go to Lorenzo. His eyes were so full of trust. I promised I’d meet him to run away together, because my parents don’t approve. But instead, I left him, waiting for me, below our tree, waiting and wondering where I was.
    I’m in Verona now, I return to London in the morning, and I’m so afraid.
    Please, Juliet, tell me what I should do… My heart is breaking and I have no one else to turn to.
    And Juliet’s reply to Claire:
    Dear Claire,
    "What" and "if" are two words as non-threatening as words can be, but put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life. What if? What if? What if?
    I don’t know how your story ended, but if what you felt then was true love, then it’s never too late; if it was true then… why wouldn’t it be true now? You need only the courage to follow you heart.
    I don’t know what a love like Juliet’s feels like; a love to leave loved ones for, a love to cross oceans for, but I’d like to believe if I ever were to feel it, that I’d have to courage to seise it.
    And Claire if you didn’t, I hope one day that you will.
    All my love,
    Now that I believe that William Shakespeare was an amazing author. To turn a tragic story into a great thing. And most amazingly, he inspired people to write another great story like this. He's truly an art~ I do know that I would highly recommend Letters To Juliet to anyone.  The ending? Well that is classic and though it may be somewhat predictable, no less romantic.  but somehow, there is a part that spoiled my mood a bit...I'm not sure about the others,cause for me, its totally ridiculous! but still, most women would like it so much, romantic...yaa..*believe in fairytales* 
    seriously, you dont have to do that..come on, this is 2011 !

    and now, I'm looking forward a copy of this :

    *wonder if I could get this for my birthday present...haaihh..
    p/s: who knows someday I would write to Juliet...ngeee..

    2 June 2011

    penjagaan rambut saya!

    ok. kali nh aku nk share ngan korang pasal penjagaan rambut yep. kalu korang perasan la kan, byk gile kot sympu2 yg ada lam pasaran. iklan pulak cam power gtu, contoh, sunsilk, herbal essence, pantene...dan sebagainya. yg paling best, GUNA JARI PUN BOLEH... haha! palehooo! kalo pakat guna jari, stgi kedai sikat bankrupt arh! so, aku nasihatkan korang jgn la tertipu k.

    papepun, kt sini aku sertakan few tips penjagaan rmbut yea. kalo dulu, aku xkesah sgt sal rmbut nh, sbb asyik kasik potong je. rmbut pendek kan sng jaga sket. tp lately aku tekad nk berambut pjg plak, da lama sgt rmbut agogo nh.huhu. tips kt bwh nh ada yg aku sendri da cuba dan amalkan, ade gk yg aku jumpe2 kt magazines n dptkan tnjuk ajar dri org2 yg keje kat saloon tuh haa. time dorang duk cuci rmbut aku tuh, ak tnyela...

    1. guna shampoo and conditioner/pelembap. kwn2 kna igt ye, conditioner nh penting sgt2. korang gunalh bnda alah nh after sympu rmbut ye,tp igt jgn ler guna hari2, nnt rmbut korang botak takpun scalp akn jdi sgt ler oily.  jdi, utk lbih efektif, gunala conditioner nh selang sehari. hari nh guna, besok xyh guna, lusa bru guna balik. gtu la ye...hee. jdik, hukum kai conditioner adalah WAJIB! kalo korang xcye, try r guna n then compare tahap kelembutan rmbut korang kai sympu je n kai both of them. hmmm....halusssssss kan.haha!

    2. jgn terlalu obses sikat rmbut korang ye. nnti rmbut jdi oily.hmm..lau sikat kan berminyak, xsikat kang cam singa pulak.huhu. korang bley je sikat, tp jgn la 24jm pun sikat,ngh tgk tv pun sikat,bce buku pun sikat rmbut.huhu. setakat nk kasik kemas ok la. lgi stu, kalo kite duk slalu sikat kan, mkin tensen taw, ye r...skali tarik, 20helai rmbut yg duk celah sikat tuh. (mkin tensen, mkin gugur rmbut...so, better, rmbut tuh gugur gtuh je...xdela strez sgt)
    3. keringkan rmbut guna towel. konpem sume org bt kot. nenek aku pon bt. kalo pas mndikn kuceng pun,lap bulu2 kai towel gk. huhu. guna towel tuh xde hal, abih xkn nk guna kain batek plakkk... yg penting, korang jgn ramas kuat2 rmbut tuh ngan towel,dap2 kn gtuh je...kasik serap air tuh.lurut rmbut tuh dri atas k bawah.ulang2.

    trigt zaman kecik2 dulu, ayh aku suke lapkan rmbut pjg mengurai aku smpai kuar air mata...bkn sab terharu, tp sakit siottttt! bukan rmbut je ditarik2, kepala, bijik mata pun sume ase cam masuk ke dalam. hahaha! sampai towel tuh leh koyak rabak taw x. phm2 ler thp sakitnye tuh. tiap kali dy nk keringkan rmbut aku, awl2 lagi aku cabut lari.haha! jdi,jgnla amlkan ye...nnti rmbut korang jdi frizz sgt..kering bagai. so dri pada genyeh rmbut tuh kuat2 n mls nk lurut2 sab lenguh kot, bt jela cmnh...hehe. tp,jgn ketat sgt yep. mmm. just xnk ade friction between towel tuh ngn rmbut.

    rmbut pendek pun trase pjg je....ekekeke

    4. elakkan apply 'heat' kt rmbut. heat yg aku mksudkan tuh bgi those yg suka keringkan rmbut, curl kan rmbut or straighten rmbut tuh... sgt ler xbgus. ishhh2! lepas guna, mmg cntik semacam je, tp sebenarnye, tulah shorcut kpd kerosakan rmbut korang. jgn amlkan lah ye. dulu aku pun xcited gk beli alatan2 yg de kt saloon tuh,konon lau beli leh bt sndri kt rumah. jimattt la sgt, tp hampeh ye kwn2. tp, kalau nak jugak...haishhh,degil2! letakla serum dulu ye...huhu

    kire topik 'heat' la jugak nh ye.. cuci rmbut tuh guna air sejuk, air paip biase tuhla...bukan air sejuk lam peti sejuk tuhh.haihhh~~ n mentang2lah korang ank lord, tiap bilik air kt rumah pun ade shower water heater tuh, panas trang tang2 pun korang guna bnda alah tuh. xelok wee tuk rmbut. kalo korang perasan, kat saloon mne de dorang cuci rmbut korang kai air panas kn...sejukkk je air kan2? igt ye..blh bikin rmbut korang smooth jek.

    5. amalkan penggunaan serum, serum nh bgus sgt2. anyone blh pakai anytime, anywhere...hoho. sebelum p kuliah/keje pakailah bnda alah nh..kan da kering rmbut anda tuh kan, boh la serum sket. selamat la rmbut anda tuh dri kesejukan (aircond) and kepanasan (chy matahari).hee.. serum nh blh gk pakai sebelum tdoooo...esonya bila bangun, rmbut bagaikan rmbut camilla belle nh.seyes xtpu nox~~~

    6. lagi,jgn ikat rmbut ketat2 noe..nnti berbekas, xlawa. tp aku selalu bt gk kot, geram+rimas...ngee

    7. jgn sesekali tdo or pakai tdung ngan rmbut basah, kalo xrmbut anda akn cpt rosak, berminyak, berbau..hmm. ayh aku slalu ckp, keringkan rmbut tuh. nntikan 'berbuah'. xlarat pulak nk makan buah byk sgt.hoho. pnh tgk cne rmbut 'berbuah'? cube r jgn ikut nasihat nh..hehe. so, kalo bgun lewat nk k kuliah,mmg aku xbasahkan rmbut r..xsmpat nk keringkan kot. kna duk ngadap kipas 15minit bru la kering.huhu. lagipun, xperlulah cuci rmbut tiap2 hari,means xyh la syampu hari2 kot.selang sehari gk la ye...ikut keprluan.

    8. amalkan syampu rmbut time mlm, lagi bagus b4 masuk tdo... yg nh, aku lupe plak rasionalnye. aku jmpe tips nh lam magazine mne nth. tp aku amalkan lah for no reason. hehe.

    9. lagi satu, kalo nmpak je rmbut2 korang yg rosak, biasanye ujung2 rmbut la kan. gunting je. xyh simpan ler.. buang yg rosak, ambil yg lurus.huhu. aku pakai gunting layer...pakwe aku dulu yg suke guna gunting nh, da break ngan dy, still ade bnda yg aku adapt dri dy.huhu.xpe2, for the sake of goodness.

    10. sekali sekala, letak la bnda alah nh kt kulit kepala.tenyeh2 kt scalp tuh, selain wangi, elok tuk kulit kepala yg berminyak n berkelumumur. huhu.
    ore klate pnggil 'lima nipih'.
     limau yg tok bomoh pakat duk guna tu la..
    bukan limau kasturi ye,
    n yg pasti bkn limau mandarin.huhu.
    sebenarnye, limau nipis nh byk giler kegunaanya, selain sng nk dpt, murah plak tuh. 3biji 50sen kot. hahaha.murah..murah.. tp,later la kite cite sal limau nh yep. ngee

    kesimpulannya, jaga la rmbut korang ye...lagi2 org pmpn kan, rmbut kan mahkota wanita..gtuuuu~~~ hopefully, this post would be somewhat useful to ngrr...those yg tercari2 teknik penjagaan rmbut yang sihat. sama2lah kite amalkan.hoho.

    p/s: gara2 cuti pjg,niat nye nk simpan rmbut pjggggg cam lena AF tuh haa... kalo nk rmbut pjg, kna la pndai jge ye. xpe2. next entry kite ckp2 plak sal produk2 hair care yg aku guna ye.....hehe....

    30 April 2011

    ADIOS SEM 4...

    hehe...*blum pape da tersengeh2*act, time bt entri nh i blum mndi ye. hahaha!, celik2 mata ujan lebat siot...dgn mlsnye, mnuju k toilet, bt ape2 yg ptt.. perlu k mention gak??? sebok je korang nh.hoho! but no worry, sy da goshok gg.. bgun pgi gosok gg..lalala~~~ kalau xgosok pun, mcm la korang sume blh detect kan2? ngrrr!!! *pe ko membebel nh wee*

    ok2. seperenggan yg nth pape..sila abaikan.....

    sy sedikit xbtoi cuz sgt ler happy biarpun xm blom abes lgi. ade 1 paper je lgi pun. 20 soalan objektif in one hour. dgn penuh tawadu', kami2 ignore je paper tuh. sume org duk sebok kemas2 barang, angkut p sana, p sini..*rsenye xsmpat tggu sem dpn, da hancur brg2 lam kotak tuh.huhu* a bit lucky for me, cuz i mmg da lme stay out of d college. bkn pe, xnk sshkan guard nk tulis2 nme i yg suke kuar lepak mamak lwt2 mlm nh.*trharu mamak lau taw nh...*ngeee....

    back to the title of the title of this entry, hmm..i just want 2 "wrap-up" everything that happened during this freaking tired, ....nothing much lepaking compared to previous semester. we rarely hangout together. everybody got their own business to mind just like me...hoho! donno y la.. i used to sleep early la. y ah??? 12-1am...thats the time..*awl kan???* plus, xstdy sme2 cm dulu lgi this sem, donno y..huhu. haa..this one referring to GKC yaa..

    but then, ade gkla memorable moment to keep for this sem. BBQ PARTY!!! though, i didnt even pay, still can eat lo...hoho! *credit to pakdin for not able to come..so he asked me to replace him.."p mkn ja la mia..aku da byq pon. amik dua tiga ketuii ayam jadik r."..neway, he's from TIKAM BATU, KEDAH..* mario'sound appeared suddenly..donno y..hahahaha! korang xkn phm npe aku gelak.hee

    lunch sme2 kt kafe KHAR, for the last before sume packing nk balik...
    neway, tam yg ttp mulut ngn tisu pink tuh..
    next to him, dam..*kertas ape da ek?lupe.huhu*

    this is fitri..but we used to call him APIT!
    *kucing tuh bunting ye...hahaha.tibe2!*

    like i mentioned before, we tend to lepak at mamak...
    particularly at night. *tentulaaa*

    *dy mmg cmnh...pause tibe2 bile taw de org nk mik gmbr dy...huhu*

    cmnh la rupe nye....biase2 aje ye kalian.

    korang xnk naik g k???sejukla weee....

    *matila gnh..nk men TRUTH OR DARE pulak...besok sy xm kot..

    haaa..nh dy..my bestfriend@coursemate@gonna be roomate
    and certainly one of the GKC.
    *sume gmbr2 kt ats tdi dy la yg amik...org bru beli fon bru kan...hoho*

    lagi gambarrrrr!!!

    tekunnye org tuh...ngrrr
     *da mmg muka xstdy..time nk xm bru sebok tgk nota org!mmg choiii!*

    cm muka mayat pon ade nh...hahaha!
    *lantak la..korang de muka cegnh??xde kannn...=P*

    me and zati..hoit2!owg2 blakang tuh...sadis aku nengoknye.kik3!
    *awat tgn ang lagu tuh cimia???buruk bebno rupenye..hee*
    again! me and zati..she's my coursemate.
    hmmm..pe lgi? we're a bit close just like the others,
    but then i've just started doing assgments wit her this sem
    yet its tighten our friendship more..
    to zati, i appreciated all the things that we've been through this sem.
    u're such a nice girl. dont let others "pijak2" ur head naa...haha! 

    dari kiri cepat jalan! erk!hehe..tibe2 rindu pandu puteri siswi 'ksyngn'
    from left, its me..*nenek bongkok tiga,sab slalu duk praktis from last week.hoho*,
    faezah in green tgh hirup udara segar nmpaknya,
    sheila cute, fara mina..neway,she seems so excted than others.haha!,
    sheen yg da mcm keparat, and 2 from behind,
     zati n polynia...*donno wut happen to her act? r u ok nia???

    da sem 4 *alaa..tuh pun nk kecoh k???* the truth, gain a lot, but know nothing..huhu..referring back to the word 'donno'..hehe..xpe2. da halfway, another 2years to go..gain a lot, know everything k mia!!!

    p/s: act, entry nh da lme siap..tp lupe nk post.hahaha! *bt penuh draft je..hoho* neway, im currently in my hommetown...........yahooo!

    24 April 2011

    saya NANGES sbb terlalu SAKIT...

    bagi yg xpenah rase, mesti korang akan ckp mcm neh...
    • sakit gg lagi teruk la wey...
    • ce-letak minyak pati halia Yusmira tuh *promote jap*
    • mkn la pain killer...byk kot jual,..panadol pun blh. rembat je!
    • loh...lepas inject, trus sehat cm biase eh? oow...
    hmmm..nak je 'bluetooth' skit nh..bagi korang rse plak. ape??? igt sje2 buat skit...pastuh bt2 nanges...*nk je aku lanyak ngan lori lenyek tar tuh! bia padan muka!* hoho.

    ckp sal pnglmn SENGGUGUT neh, da mcm2 pnglmn da rse... time study kt UTP dulu, slalu je parent dtg amik kul1-2pgi *dri klntn ke perak tuhh*, pengsan dlm bas time nk k kmpus, muntah2 kt area Petaling Street *hahaha..da la tgh jem giler time tuh..yg bez, xde spe yg brenti tolong...1Malaysia sgt.hee*,

    yg paling diingati..mestila cite pagi tdi kot. kul4 pagi, perut nh da ase len mcm. ari ke3 da, tp npe skit lgiii???..xpe mia..tahan2. kojap je tuh. 4.30pgi : xleh tahan cmnh..bgun2,bukak lampu...mencangkung jap tas lantai *kalau da sakit sgt..kite akn cri mne2 je posisi yg blh legakan sakit tuh...baring lam tndas pun sy da cube ye..hahaha* 4.40pgi : sah2 xkn kurang sakit nh..ketuk pintu housemate.sorang je pun housemate nye... sohih xbgun. mabuk kot. huhu. p ketuk pintu rumah depan...xde stu yg bkk..sume tdo mati! kalo terbako bangunan nh..konpem xde yg terselamat..*mintak jauh la sume tuh...huhu* 

    balik bilik lagi...kai t-shirt nth pape..cpai je sluar yg tersangkut..yg pasti wrna hitam.*phm2 la...dark colour is te best when u're in that period of time..ngee*.. tudung pun men sebar je. ngan gaya nenek bongkok tiga.. speeding cam siput, sikit2 jln tepi dinding..akhirnye smpai gk kt pondok guard kolej..sadis tol! smpai2 nseb guard pompuan.lau x...xtaw nk xplain cne.

    ngn muke cam megan fox without make-up!hahaha!OVER!!!.. so, mintx tolong dorang nk g klinik.ape jdi skalipun..aku nk injection. xkire la dorang nk ckp ape pun...SAKIT WEY!!!

    akhirnya..misi berjaya!!! yeay!kul6 pgi : sy bersemayam d wad kecemasan hosp. slim river.. terbaek ah!!! *its not easy to be me* wonder how it would be in the next month??? nseb time tuh,cuti 4bulan. so,pape jdi pun, fmily ade.legaaa....

    p/s: pastikan hndpone anda berkredit..huhu....  n i nk request kt mne2 parti yg ase nak menang pilihanraya akn dtg neh, sila bina stu hospital ye kt tjg malim neh.. klinik kesihatan yg ada tuh xley pakai da...tgk pun cm da nak roboh.tggu mse je...